Viderful Blog

Marketing tips, news and ideas to help you grow your audience.


The Power of Email List: How to Increase Your Sales By Building a List

While it's not the sexiest form of marketing, email remains one of the best ways to increase your sales. Email lists can be great for understanding your customers because they allow you to customize messages and target different segments. Even if your email doesn't result in an immediate sale, it reminds customers that you're out there, when they're ready to make that purchase.

Ryan Chin Ryan Chin image

Ryan Chin


Get Faster! Take Advantage of Google's Latest Changes to Boost Your Search Rankings

Google's latest major algorithm change was released in July and it offers you an opportunity if you haven't taken advantage yet. The latest update gave a boost to websites that had fast page load speeds, a critical factor in delivering good customer experiences. Let's look at how you can speed up how quickly your pages show!

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Ryan Chin


Why You Need A Drip Campaign: Insider Tips That Will Save You Time

Drip campaigns are a series of content pieces that are delivered to the customer in a predefined frequency over time. It’s an online marketing tactic that is used to keep your customers engaged with your company and brand. Let's see how you can use them to boost sales.

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Ryan Chin


6 Different Types of Digital Marketing: Which One Is Best For You?

Digital marketing is a cost-effective and popular means of reaching customers. Let's review six of the most popular ways to increase sales through digital marketing.

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Ryan Chin


Valuable Insights You Ought To Know About Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has become such a popular strategy because it's low cost for the company and the influencer agrees to promote their products in exchange for compensation. It can be very effective for reaching a target market that may not be in your direct customer demographic. Learn more about influencer marketing.

Ryan Chin Ryan Chin image

Ryan Chin